Shannon Harnett Awarded 2020 Nuffield Scholarship

Our warmest congratulations to our Rural Accountants director Shannon Harnett, one of five awarded a Nuffield NZ Farming Scholarship for 2020 in Wellington on Tuesday 5th November.
A Nuffield Farming Scholarship is one of New Zealand primary industry's most sought-after and highly valued scholarship awards. Its purpose is to help create tomorrow's leaders and, via an intensive 12 month programme which includes 16 weeks of overseas travel, all scholars are exposed to new insights and ideas in agricultural practices world-wide.
Scholars embark on a presenting a thesis-like finding on the topic of their choosing back to the Nuffield board during the following year, the outcome being to share, implement and positively influence decisions in the our agri-food sector and rural communities.
Shannon is a Chartered Accountant, holding senior management and accounting roles before becoming director and co-owner at Rural Accountants, a progressive accounting firm in Whakatane.
She is a Chartered Member of the Institute of Directors, holds directorships in several agricultural & horticultural businesses and has been involved in several horticultural start-up businesses dealing with PVR varieties.
Growing up on a sheep & beef farm in Hawkes Bay, Shannon’s farming background started straight out of school at a farm accountancy practice. She then went on to graduate from Massey University with a BBS, majoring in Accounting and Management, and a Post Graduate Diploma in Agri Commerce.
A long-time advocate of the New Zealand primary industry, Shannon has gained valuable industry knowledge during her career and believes New Zealand is uniquely placed with an exciting opportunity to grow high value, consumer driven produce.
Her plan is to research the value that Plant Variety Rights (PVRs) could contribute to New Zealand's horticultural and primary industry sectors.
We will certainly be keep a very interested eye on her progress throughout 2020 so make sure to pop back here often for rolling updates!
You can read more about what is involved in the nuts and bolts of a Nuffield Scholarship right here.
Listen to Shannon's interview on Magic Talk's Rural Exchange (REX) show; Rural Exchange: Ep 127 Sat. 10th November 2019 and forward through to 10:12 to hear the interview.