Protect Your Business with AuditShield

Protect   Your   Business  With  Audit Shield 2  Rural   Chartered   Accountants   WhakataneAs a business owner, you've got enough on your plate without worrying about unexpected expenses, especially when it comes to something as daunting as a tax review or audit by the Inland Revenue Department (IRD).

Unfortunately, IRD audits and reviews are becoming more common, and when they do occur, the costs associated with the required accounting work can add up quickly. That’s where AuditShield comes in – it’s a simple and affordable way to protect your business from these unexpected costs.

What Is AuditShield?

AuditShield is a tax audit insurance service designed to cover the professional fees incurred if your business is subjected to an IRD review, investigation, or audit. For as little as $150 per year, depending on your business size and income, AuditShield will cover the costs of the accounting work necessary to manage the process. This could include preparing documents, attending meetings with the IRD, or simply answering their queries.

Learn more about AuditShield and how it can protect your business by visiting AuditShield's website.

The Benefits of Signing Up for AuditShield

  1. Peace of Mind
    The primary benefit of AuditShield is peace of mind. Knowing that your business is protected against the financial burden of an IRD audit or review allows you to focus on running your business without the constant worry of unexpected expenses.
  2. Comprehensive Coverage
    AuditShield covers the cost of all professional fees incurred during an IRD review or audit. This includes time spent by your accountant preparing documentation, answering IRD queries, and attending meetings. Without insurance, these costs could easily run into the thousands, especially if the audit process is prolonged.
  3. Affordable Protection
    With pricing starting as low as $150 per year, AuditShield is a cost-effective solution for businesses of all sizes. The price is calculated based on your business’s income, making it an affordable option even for smaller businesses. This small annual fee can save you thousands in the long run.
  4. Avoid Disruption to Your Business
    An IRD audit can be disruptive, taking up valuable time and resources. By having AuditShield in place, your accountant can efficiently manage the audit process on your behalf, minimizing the impact on your day-to-day operations. This allows you to keep your business running smoothly, even during an audit.
  5. Professional Support When You Need It Most
    Dealing with the IRD can be stressful, but with AuditShield, you have the assurance that your accountant will provide the necessary professional support without worrying about the additional cost. Their expertise will help ensure that the process is handled correctly and that your business remains compliant.

Protect Your Business Today

An IRD audit or review can happen to any business at any time. When it does, the costs can be significant. By signing up for AuditShield, you can protect your business from these unexpected expenses and ensure that you have the professional support you need to navigate the process.

For more information on how AuditShield can protect your business, visit the AuditShield website or give your RuralCA client manager a call.

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