ACC Announces Changes to Support Business Owners

As business owners focus more on cash flow management and finding ways to get through this challenging period, ACC has now come to the party announcing changes to support businesses...

In addition to delaying invoicing by three months, ACC has created a dedicated website page here with information to help customers better prepare for the invoicing period and understand the options available.

Oct/Nov Invoicing

In October and November, ACC will be sending out annual invoices which would have normally sent in July. The decision to delay these invoices for three months is to help relieve the immediate financial impact felt by many businesses this year.

To improve the accuracy of invoices, it's important that your details are up to date so this month you or your accountant will be contacted by ACC if you need to take action, or update your account accordingly.

You can now also request to receive all future invoices and ACC communication by email. Simply log in to MyACC for Business and verify your email to make this request.Your invoice will be emailed to you and available for download once it has been issued.

Updating Liable Payroll Earnings for 2020/21

Between now and October, ACC is encouraging all businesses to update their liable payroll for 2020/21 to ensure your provisional invoice best reflects your expectations for the year ahead.

If, for any reason, your company's performance is different to your estimate then this will be reflected in your invoice next year. 

You can also update your liable payroll in MyACC for business here.


And don't forget, if you need any help at all with your ACC compliancy or other accounting tasks then please contact your Rural Accountants client manager.


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